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RFP to conduct Addiction Treatment Evaluation Program

  • 06 Aug 2013
  • 20 Aug 2013
  • Mental Health and Addiction Services Columbus, Ohio

Title: Evaluator to Conduct Addiction Treatment Pilot Program Evaluation


The purpose of this RFP is to obtain the professional services of a research entity, either an individual or an organization (hereafter “Applicant”), to develop and conduct a program evaluation of a drug court pilot program. As part of the state of Ohio biennial budget the Ohio legislature granted funds to conduct a pilot program to provide addiction treatment, including medication-assisted treatment, to persons who are offenders within the criminal justice system, eligible to participate in a certified drug court program, and selected to be participants in the pilot program because of their dependence on opioids, alcohol or both. The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) received $5 million and serves as the designated entity to conduct and support these pilot programs. There will be a minimum of five pilot drug court sites throughout Ohio with a maximum of 500 individuals at one time.

The RFP and application information can be found at:

Click on “Opportunity Updates” and then go down the list to (or search for) MHA14134

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